Tuesday, 16 October 2012

music is to the ears as louboutins are to the feet!

Fashion, art, music- they are all part of the creative process. Digressing slightly from my normal posts, I really want to share with you the musicians that are influencing my life at the moment, with a little bit about their style thrown in!
This is Ben Howard- there are literally no words to describe. His album Every Kingdom is flawless and his alternative sound is enchanting. Everyone groans when they get in my car as I have played it so much, but the lyrics are beautiful and "Black Flies" inspired me to write a piece of prose that I am going to push in everywhere very soon!
Matt Corby. Singer songwriter from down under, a very sexy austrailian at that! He won Idol out there and has gone from strengh to strength ever since. With his soulful growling voice and tormented lyrics, I could listen to him all day- in fact I'm going to see him in Novemeber! He has a very dishevelled but sexy style that echoes spontaneity and warm shores. YouTube "Brother", you won't regret it!
Mumford and Sons. I love their new album "Babel"! The drum beat and folky rhythm make me want to throw my hands up in the air and start a riot! haha Their style is very quirky and a little bit teddy boy almost? I'm going to see them too!! I sadly missed out on Ben Howard tickets :(
So now you have a little insight to my musical preferences! I have some exciting things lined up, a few interviews and posts for brands and Belfast Fashion Week is this friday and then I'm jetting off to London for the weekend! Photos will follow I promise ;)
Much love
Danie B


  1. Music and shoes ( and food too;)) is all i need to be happy!!;))

    Ps. Let us know if you would like to follow each other


  2. Your blog is great, I am following you now on google friend connect and instagram (i'm lhi88)
    Hope that you can visit my blog :)


  3. interesting post, matt corby is a ride xx

